Your Search To Find your right Startup Mentor Ends Here

Our mentors are global industry-experienced leaders. We connect founders with relevant industry mentors. Research says, Having the right mentor for any business has 40% more success and growth rate compared to others.

Our mentors provide targeted access to opaque industries. There’s no fluff or grandstanding, just the exposure and insights that help take a startup to the next level.

A mentor is your advisor, not your life coach. By seeking advice from someone that has traveled the road, expect to learn but also to build a strong tie. The mentor will not provide you with all the answers and will not replace you as the decision-maker, so be prepared to listen, ask questions and reach your own conclusions.

As with finding a co-founder, when choosing a mentor don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach:

First think carefully about your expectations, and the outcomes that you want to get from a mentor/mentee relationship: look at where your company is, where you want it to go and where along your path advice could be most valuable. Establishing this will help you build a roadmap to agree on with your mentor. How often you’ll meet (weekly, monthly, for how long…). How regularly you’ll update them and communicate with them by email.Any burning topics you want you quickly address, etc.

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