Mobile is so important put your best people on mobile. If you don’t have mobile strategy you are no longer relevant
Eric Schmidt Former CEO and Current Executive Chairman, Google

Enterprise Mobile Strategy & Consulting

Some Facts to consider:

  • 34% of Employees in 2012 are Mobile(Source IDC*)
  • 78% of MNC’s plan to adopt Unified Communications by 2015.(Includes Mobile Video Steaming & Conferencing)
  • 85 Billion mobile applications will be downloaded in 2012
  • 8x increase in secuirty risk by proliferation of mobile data and  devices.
  • 62% BYOD devices used for business,compared to 38% corporate-liable in 2012(Source :IDC*)
Six Steps to Enterprise Mobile Strategy:


Define the current state and  strategic direction of Mobility needs in your Organization.


  • Devices: Which device  types and form factors shoud be supported and do I have a need for special types of  devices?
  • Governance: What are the policies,guidelines and programs for mobile users and Bring-Your-Own-Devices(BYOD)?
  • Support: What is the best way to support my users?
  • Mobile Applications:What mobile applications do I have today and what is the best way to roll out additional applications in the future?
  • IT Infrastruture:What tools do I need in place to allow me to effectively manage my mobile devices?

Security: What secuirty policies should be in place to ensure  the safety of my corporate assets?


Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Mobile device management (MDM) is a type of security software used by an IT department to monitor, manage and secure employees' mobile devices that are deployed across multiple mobile service providers and across multiple mobile operating systems being used in the organization.
Mobile device management software is often combined with additional security services and tools such as Mobile Application Management to create a complete mobile device and security Enterprise Mobility Management solution.


Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy

Define, document and publish your ``Bring Your Own Device`` (BYOD) Policy .You need input from a number of departmental functions like IT,HR,Legal,Security,Finance,Your Network Carrier(s)

Which employees are eligible for business devices(Corporate liable) ?
Which employees can bring their own?
What Data,Functions,Applications will be accessed?
Which devices will you support?
How could the big bang of mobility be manage?

Managing Devices:
“Devices Managed by external service providers estimated to grow over 50% in 2013” - Gartner
Mobile Device Management (MDM) gave IT the abilityto enforce a passcode,Connect to corporate resources such as Email,WiFI Networks and Monitor Devices.
Through API’s built into the Operating system,IT could configure settings,Enable or Diable features,locate and lock devices remotely and even partially or fully wipe data when necessary.
As users & Apps are more sophisticated,documents such as spreadsheets,word documents become manipulable on mobile devices,Hence many companies found they need more than just MDM.
In response to this plea,there came another expansion –the advent of solutions for app and content management and seperation of work and personal in the form of containers.